भारतीय संविधान के भाग in Hindi
भारतीय संविधान के भाग in Hindi भाग 1 संघ एवं उसका राज्य क्षेत्र अनुच्छेद 1 से 4 भाग 2 नागरिकता …
भारतीय संविधान के भाग in Hindi भाग 1 संघ एवं उसका राज्य क्षेत्र अनुच्छेद 1 से 4 भाग 2 नागरिकता …
Essay on Holi essay on Holi the festival of colours in 600 words, essay on holi easy or not ? Holi 1. Introduction holi is the festival of colors because people color one another‘s face. It is one of the …
Holi is a colorful festival in which people of all faiths celebrate with full enthusiasm and fun. This lovely decorated ceremony gives the message of brotherhood, unlocking the ties of every religion, denomination, class. On this day, all people forget …
4 Ways to Crack Facebook Password and Ensure Access to Entry Facebook is considered one of the most advanced communication services and social networking services used by millions of people to collaborate, sell and negotiate a chat. Use as a …
off-page SEO strategies for 2021 | off page seo techniques backlinko How to Do Off Page SEO plan Benefits of SEO not on the website owners page off-page SEO Raise the levels When Off-page SEO is done well, it helps …
Important Indian War History in English (Year-wise information on important wars (battles) of Indian History) – When and between which major wars (battles) took place in the entire Indian history and historical wars (battles) in the world (middle ) Including the names of the …
PRESIDENT OF INDIA The President is the head of the country, head of administration, and the first citizen of the country. Article 52 of India’s constitution says it will be President of India. The election of the President of India …
FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES | fundamental duties of India FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES It has been mentioned in Part IV (A) of the Constitution of India and Article 51 (A) of the Constitution of India deals with it. The Fundamental Duties have been taken …
why need Smart Class in 2021 Smart Classes at Modern English Academy Catches the Eyes of the Parents in Nanaura ,keoti Darbhanga School motto The school’s “learning to be” line clarifies that the school focuses on learning about life and …
अम्ल (Acid),भस्म या क्षारक (BASE),लवण (SALT) short notes in hindi अम्ल क्या होता है ? एसिड शब्द की उत्पति लैटिन शब्द “एसिडस “ से हुई है ,जिसका अर्थ होता है खट्टा ऐसा यौगिक (Compound) जो जल में घुलकर हाइड्रोजन (H+) आयन देता …