Eassy on Holi in English

Holi is a colorful festival in which people of all faiths celebrate with full enthusiasm and fun. This lovely decorated ceremony gives the message of brotherhood, unlocking the ties of every religion, denomination, class. On this day, all people forget their old grievances and embrace and enslave the couple. Kids and teens play with colors. The festival is celebrated in the full moon of the month of Phalgun. Many stories are associated with Holi. Holi lit up one night before celebrating Holi. There is a popular myth behind it.
Devra Prahlada’s father Hariyanyakaship viewed himself as a god. He was opposed to Vishnu while Prahlada was a minister of Vishnu. He stopped Prahlada from surrendering to Vishnu and when he refused, he tried to kill Prahlada.
Prahlad’s father eventually sought the help of his sister, Holika. Holika was the blessing of not burning in the fire. Holika agreed to help her brother. Holika lived in Perea and Prahlad, but Prahlad was protected by Vishnu’s favor and Hilkiah was consumed by fire.

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This story shows that good must overcome evil. Even today, on the day of the full moon, the Hall is lit, and the next day everyone puts on gulal, abir and different colors from each other. This army is an army of colors.
On this day, people get up early and go to the homes of their relatives and friends in color and play Holi with them hard. The festival carries a special significance to children. He brings a variety of squirrels and balloons from the market to the day before. Kids enjoy Holi with their friends with balloons and squares.
Everyone forgets hatred and kisses. The women make sweets, gujhias, etc. a day in advance and share themselves in their community. Many people leave the Holi group and call it Huriyare.

Leader of Braj, Leader of Matrara, Leader of Vrindavan, Leader of Barsan, Leader of Kashi are famous throughout India.

Nowadays the colors are not used and colors that are harmful to the skin are played. This is absolutely wrong. In this fun celebration, one has to get rid of chemical attachments and drunkenness. Children should also be careful. Children should play Holi under the watchful eye of adults. Throwing balloons away can also cause eye sores. Colors should also be restricted to the eyes and other internal organs. This joyful festival should be celebrated together.

Holashtak is considered 8 days before Holika Dahan. No new good work is being done at Holashtak. In these eight days, all the work of Manglik works, housing and entry into houses etc. The good work done in the eight days of Holashtak gives good results, so no new work is considered text these days.

According to Holashtak mythology, from Falgun Shukla Ashtami to Holika Dahan i.e. Poornima, Holashtak remains. From this day the winter days begin to decline and the weather changes. Too much heat is felt during the day.

Holashtak’s specialty is that the worship of Holika, eight days before the Holi, the Holika Dahan area is cleansed of water in the Ganga and filled with dry, dry, dry wood and Holi’s stick. The day on which this work was performed, also called the first day of Holashtak. There is no good work being done until Holika Dahan happens to be in the right places where Holi Danda is installed.
After that from Holashtak to the day of Holika Dahan, some wood is collected and placed in it. So until the day of Holika Dahan, a pile of wood was formed here. Then all the locals pray for Holika Dahan and wish them good health and the children’s church to go and play Holi. In this beautiful 5 day Holi festival, Holi festival is celebrated by making Gujhiya, Bagi-Shrikhand and Puran-Poli in the homes of all people

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