Table of Contents
LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्व-विद्यालय,दरभंगा LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
Bachelor of Library Information Science LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
Theory Paper
Lalit Narayan Mithila University DBG
Paper 1. Library Society and Management LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
पुस्तकालय समाज और प्रबंधन
Paper 2. Library Classification (पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण)
Paper 3. Library Cataloguing (पुस्तकालय सूचिकरण)
Paper 4. Information Source (सूचना के स्त्रोत)
Paper 5. Information Service (सूचना सेवा)
Paper 6. Information Technology (सूचना तकनीकी)
LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
Practical Paper
Paper 7. Library Classification (पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण)
Paper 8. Library Cataloguing (पुस्तकालय सूचिकरण)

Library Society and Management | पुस्तकालय समाज और प्रबंधन |
Paper 1 Syllabus
1 Five laws of library Science and their implication
- Library Movement and Library Legistation in India.
- Library building, furniture and equipment.
4.Library Publicity and Extension Service.
5.Library Co-operation.
6.Professional Organization: National and international
7.Nature of library, types of libraries, Role of Library in Modern Society
8.Concept of management, Principle of Scientific management: their applications in libraries
- Library finance: – Budgeting, Accounting and Auditing library statistics and annual report.
10.library Rules and Regulations
- Library Personal, job Analysis Training Staff Formula Qualities and Qualification
12.Collection Development types of Documents and Accession principles Acquisition Procedure, Management and Operation of Various Sections/Departments maintenance and Circulation
Library Classification (पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण)
Paper 2. Syllabus
1.Difinition need and Purpose of Classification.
- Historical and comparative aspect. Book Classification and Knowledge Classification.
3.Various Scheme of classification. Comparative Study of colon decimal Classification
- Five Fundamental categories main class, canonical class Basic Class Isolates Common isolates, Special Isolate
- Enumerative and analytical- Synthetic Scheme of Classification, Postulation Approach to Classification the Steps in systematic Classification
- Classification principal law, canons, Principles of facet sequence principle of helpful sequience
- book classification with Additional canons for Book number
- Miscellaneous anatomy to classifier system and specials, sector notation, Mnemonics
9.Notation- Types, Qualities, Canons.
LNMU B. Lis Syllabus
Library Cataloguing (पुस्तकालय सूचिकरण)
Paper 3.
- Purpose for Library, types of Library catalogue, Physical forms of Library Catalogue.
- Kinds of entries and their functions. Arrangement of entries, Choice and rendering of headings for main ad added entieres in classified catalogue and dictionary catalogue
- Canons, Principles and laws of cataloguing.
- Subject cataloguing Chain procedure subject heading lists.
- Catalogue codes: Comparative study of AACRII and pseudonymous, Corporate Author and Indic anonymous
6.Centralized and co-operative cataloguing selective and simplified cataloguing
- catalogue codes their historical study
8.Filling of entire alphabetization
Information Source (सूचना के स्त्रोत)
Paper 4. Syllabus
- Concept of Information sources.
2.Kinds of Information sources: Primary, Secondary and tertiary
3.Basic Reference and information Sources and Criteria of other evaluation.
- Bibliographical Sources : Natural Bibliographies, INB and B.N.B Abstracting and Indexing services.
- study of Reference tools and their evaluation
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Websters new International Dictionary
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Encyclopaedia Americana
- Europa year Book
- India A Reference Annual
- Times of India Directory and year book including
- Keepings contemporary Archives, London.
- Asian recorder, New Delhi
- World of Learning
- Lippincott gazetteer of the world
- Indian who’s who
- International who’s who
- Qualities and qualification of information of seeker
7.Manual and Hand Book-hand Book of Indian Universities.
Information Service (सूचना सेवा)
Paper 5. Syllabus
1.Reference service. Definition, need and Purpose.
2.Drfinition, need, nature and Scope of Documentation and information services.
3.Documentation work and services.
4.Abtracting, Translation, Reprography
- Indexing Techniques-Chain, Popsi, precis Uniterm and Citation Indexing
- Definition, Need, Components, Disseminationof information C.A.S. SDI, Documentation List
7.Documentation and Information centres, need and functions National Information centres INSDOC NISSAT, NASSDOC.
8.Global Information centres. UNESCO, FID, IFLA.
9.Compilation of subject/Author Bibliography
Information Technology (सूचना तकनीकी)
Paper 6. Syllabus
- Information to information technology
- Information to computer
3.Library Automation- Need and present trends.
- Use of computer in library Administration (House Keeping)
5.Software and Software Packages
- Computer based information services: CAS and SDL
7.Library and information networks
- Resource sharing networks
Practical Paper
Paper 7. Library Classification (पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण)
Practical Classification of book and periodicals according to colon classification (6th revised Ed.) and DDC 18 th ED.
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